Cheechowban, The Game Of Tangrams


Choose from 24 different tangram designs to make for you, with friends, or in the classroom.

This is a classroom set of cut out Tangram puzzles, for 24 students. There are 24 templates as well, on cards, from which students can make, but it can be used just as well as a family or solo game with extra puzzles. The game challenges spatial reasoning, and builds kinesthetic intelligence as well, all while stimulating creativity.

There are various games that can be played within the puzzle templates.

– Who can make a design the fastest
– Who can make a design from memory
– Who can make up the best original design not included in the templates

The Tangram is an actual ancient Chinese puzzle, usually made from wood, reputed to have originated in the period between 900-1200 A.D. “Chee chow ban” is the phonetic way to pronounce Tangram in Mandarin.


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Cheechowban | The Game of Tangrams

Comes with:

– 24 Tangram designs

-24 Tangram Cut-out Puzzles


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