Nerdy Reads

cartoon-pig copyBooks for the brainy, and those who aspire to be.

No matter what topic your book is on, reading–especially daily–makes a person smarter through: increased analytical skills, improved vocabulary, writing ability, increase of working memory, and creativity. The act of reading itself also improves focus and has meditative properties. When you read a wide range of topics, there is increased ability to be creative and analytical as you increase your ability to pull from different topics in your mind to “connect dots”. Lastly, reading fiction and literary works in particular can increase emotional intelligence. Here are some great reads, for all ages:

geek toys this will make you smarter mathematical
Ultimate DIY Geek Toys Guide | $10

This Will Make You Smarter: Concepts to Improve Your Thinking | $11 

How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking | $17

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516E1WEwXQL 1927 978-1579128142
What If?: Serious Scientific Answers | $15  See Inside Your Body, Children’s Board Book | $22

Elements A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe $26

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1243401j dot by randi zuckerberg how to think like leondardo da vinci
How to be a Genius (Children’s) | $11  Dot | A tech savvy young girl | $14  How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day | $13
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Patterns of the Universe: A Coloring Adventure in Math and Beauty


The World Record Paper Airplane Book, by Ken Blackburn | $17

This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession | $16
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